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october 29 is world stroke day

World Stroke Day — October 29

What is World Stroke Day?

World Stroke Day is a special day devoted to raising awareness and driving action about stroke throughout the world. The global awareness day occurs every October 29th and is sponsored by the World Stroke Organization.

About The World Stroke Organization (WSO)

The World Stroke Organization’s website states that they are the only global body solely focused on stroke. With around 3,000 individuals and 90 society members spanning every global region, we represent over 55,000 stroke specialists in clinical, research, and community settings.”

World Stroke Day — 2022

WSO has announced that the focus of both the 2021 and 2022 campaigns centers on awareness of the signs of stroke and the need for timely access to quality stroke treatment.

#PreciousTime is the promotional slogan for the 2022 World Stroke Day campaign.

What does #PresciousTime Mean?

Every second counts when someone has a stroke. As brain tissue and millions of neurons deteriorate, time becomes increasingly valuable.

The Precious Time campaign promotes stroke awareness and the benefits of acting FAST after a stroke, according to the World Stroke Association. The ultimate goal is to communicate that life can be saved, as well as independence, quality of life, and precious memories.

Learn about Stroke: Visit the World Stroke Organization

The faster the treatment is accessed, the more likely it is to save lives and improve recovery. If you spot the signs of a stroke, don’t hesitate to call emergency services immediately.

For more live-saving information, learn the facts at World-Stroke.Org

Raise Awareness with your Social Network and Community

Neurolutions supports the WHO and World Stroke Day’s campaign, #Prescioustime.

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Comprehensive Guide to Pediatric Stroke

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