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Stroke Information
and Recovery Articles

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Strokes and stroke recovery

Neuroplasticity in Stroke Recovery

Neuroplasticity in Stroke Recovery

What is Neuroplasticity? Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, refers to the brain’s ability to adapt or change (1). Neuro refers to the neurons, the nerve cells that are the building blocks of the brain and nervous system, while...

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The Link Between Smoking and Strokes

The Link Between Smoking and Strokes

Can smoking cause a stroke? It is well-known in the medical community that cigarette smoking is a risk factor for strokes. However, most people do not know that smoking doubles your chances of having a stroke. How does smoking cause a stroke? Tobacco use in any form...

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Overcoming Stroke at a Young Age

Overcoming Stroke at a Young Age

It is estimated that 5-20% of all strokes occur in young people. When speaking of “young” stroke survivors, most literature refers to all individuals 45 years old or younger. Recent publications show a rise in the incidence of young people but stroke is still however...

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How Blocked Arteries Lead to Strokes

How Blocked Arteries Lead to Strokes

Blocked arteries are one of the most common causes of strokes and can lead to an ischemic stroke. Blocked arteries can occur for many reasons, but commonly, it is due to a condition called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, meaning hardening (plaque build-up) of...

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World Stroke Day — October 29

World Stroke Day — October 29

What is World Stroke Day? World Stroke Day is a special day devoted to raising awareness and driving action about stroke throughout the world. The global awareness day occurs every October 29th and is sponsored by the World Stroke Organization. About The World Stroke...

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