A stroke is a life-changing event. When you have a stroke, the blood supply to your brain is cut off or reduced for some time. This deprives the brain of oxygen and nutrients, which causes damage to the brain cells, and in turn, it can impact your ability to move,...
Stroke Information
and Recovery Articles
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Strokes and stroke recovery
Stroke Survivors: Finding Your Confidence After a Stroke
While strokes certainly damage functions of the brain and body, the negative impact strokes have on a survivor’s lifestyle and hopes for the future is often the most devastating. Anyone who has experienced a stroke can attest that the event, as well as the aftermath,...
A Guide to Rehabilitation After Stroke
Post Stroke Rehabilitation Rehabilitation aims to help survivors reach maximum independence and attain the highest possible quality of life. Rehabilitation does not directly reverse the effects of stroke, but it can substantially aid people in achieving the best...
Flexor Synergy, Spasticity, and Stroke
What is Spasticity After a Stroke? For many stroke survivors, spasticity can be one of the most frustrating and misunderstood aspects of rehabilitation and recovery with little to no effective treatment at times. All forms of spasticity can present a wide range of...
How to Get Your Hand Working After a Stroke
Why Do Your Hands Get Weak After a Stroke? When you have a stroke, it interrupts the blood supply to your brain. This can lead to a number of complications such as weakness, numbness, and paralysis. Sometimes these symptoms affect one of your hands and make it...
What is the Recovery Timeline After a Stroke?
What Happens After a Stroke? What is Happening in the Brain After a Stroke & Why? The chronological timeline commonly following the initial symptoms of a stroke is often divided into five separate phases. These phases in the post-stroke timeline are based on what...
A Guide to Chronic Stroke Recovery and Symptoms
The early, or “acute” days after onset of a stroke can be scary, unpredictable, and traumatic for both the stroke survivor and their loved ones. The hospital room is filled with the stroke team providing 24/7 care to support the survivor and stabilize the aftermath of...
A Stroke Survivor’s Guide to Common Post-Stroke Symptoms and Challenges
What Is a Stroke and What Happens to You After a Stroke? A stroke is a type of brain attack. It happens when the blood flow to the brain is blocked by a clot in a blood vessel. The most common symptom of a stroke is sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body,...
The Role of Occupational Therapy (OT) After A Stroke
What is Occupational Therapy Occupational therapists (OTR) are part of your healthcare team, helping to achieve goals to remain independent in activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily (IADL), and arm function if this has been affected by...