IpsiHand™ user stories speak for themselves.

“It’s really good!”

“Wonderful innovative tool that makes sense and I have back my affected hand 18 year post stroke!”

“I knew the IpsiHand was helping when one day I opened the refrigerator and put something in the refrigerator and closed the door, all with my weaker arm.”
“I started seeing results 3 weeks after I started. It was just the pinch, then I was able to wiggle my thumb.”
“My ability to be independent is stronger. It feels good.”
John Michael
“When I saw my fingers move again, it was awesome!”
“I can actually grip the bottom of my coffee cup and open containers.”
“After using IpsiHand, I am able to dress myself, make my bed, wash dishes, and cook my own breakfast again.”
“I’ve made progress using IpsiHand. Now, I am have arm, finger, and wrist movement. It got me motivated to build my own fishing boat.”
Featured On Bloomberg
Stroke survivor Mark Forrest’s inspiring journey with Neurolutions’ non-invasive EEG headset highlights the transformative power of neurorehabilitation.
Ipsihand Tips & Setup
Learn how to set up the Neurolutions IpsiHand system so you can get started on your journey to regain use of your hand after a stroke.
How Ipsihand Works
Unveil the future of neurorehabilitation with the IpsiHand system, empowering stroke patients to regain hand control through brain-computer interface technology.
What Is Ipsihand?
Learn how the IpsiHand system by Neurolutions empowers stroke survivors to regain hand control and independence by harnessing the power of their mind, revolutionizing stroke rehabilitation.
Mark Forest Stroke Survivor
Mark’s Journey to Get Back on the Water.
A Groundbreaking Partnership
Neurolutions & Kandu: A Decade of Innovation